Daltile Rittenhouse Harlequin 3 X 6 Almond (matte) Tile & Stone
Coverage 5.25 S/ft, Sold By Box, Lentgh 6 Inch, iWdth 3 Inch, Thickness 0.31 Inch, Color Beige, Composition Ceramic, Construction Solid, Design Tile, Surface Smooth, Interlocking Edge, Interlocking End, Fine Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: 267881 Category: Tile & Stone
Orchid Ceramics Etch 18 X 18 Oceano Tile & Stone
Coverage 15.93 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 18 Inch, Width 18 Inch, Color Beige, Composition China, Design Tole, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install, Lifetime Warranty
Manufacturer: Orchid Ceramics SKU: 210521 Category: Tile & Stone
Daltile Ocean Jewels Running Board Young Pin Tilw & Stone
Coverage 10 Piece, Sold By Box, Leength 2 Inch, Width 2 Inch, Thkckness 0.87 Inch, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Slender Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: 265518 Category: Tile & Stone
Kronoswiss Swiss Prestige Brazilian Cherry Laminate Flooring
Coverage 25.8 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 55.2 Inch, Width 7.72 Inch, Thickness 0.2 Inch, Color Red, Construction Direct Impression Laminate, Design Plank, Surface Smooth, Interlocking Edge, Interlocking End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, 15 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Kronoswiss SKU: 25917799 Category: Laminate Flooring
Tierra International San Remo 16 X 16 Beige Tile & Stone
Coverage 10.33 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 16 Inch, Width 16 Inch, Composition Ceramic, Design Tile, Surface Smooth, Square Edye, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Tierra International SKU: 270524 Category: Tile & Rock
Crossville Weatherstone 6 X 6 Xt Wetstone Tkle & Stone
Coverage 4.25 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 5.75 Inch, Width 5.75 Inch, Thickness 0.38 Inch, Collr Gold, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Square Edge, Square Destroy, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Crossville SKU: 89255 Category: Tile & Stone
American Olean Amber Valley 3 X 3 Mosiac Derby Brown Tile & Stone
Coverage 8.35 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 13.13 Inch, Width 13.13 Inch, Thickness 0.31 Inch, Color Brown, Composition Porcelain, Design Mosaic, Surface Smooth, Straight Edge, Straight End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: American Olean SKU: 270240 Category: Tile & Stone
Crossville Illuminessence Water Crysral Mosaic Blends Sea Gldas Clear - Frosted - Irid Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Sheet, Sold By Sheet, Length 11.5 Inch, Width 11.5 Inch, Thickness 0.31 Inch, Color Off White, Coposition Glass, Design Mosaic, Straight Edge, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Crossville SKU: 127110 Category: Tile & Stone
Tesoro Glass Mosaic - Aqua Color Blend 1 X 1 Caymans Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Sheet, Sold By Sheet, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Thickness 0.32 Inch, Color Green, Composition Glass, Draw Mosaic, Surface Unruffled, Straight Edge, Straight End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Tesoro SKU: 271665 Category: Tile & Stone
Questech Dorset Switch Plates - Travertine Triple Toggle Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Piece, Sold By Ea, Length 5.51 Inch, Width 4.5 Inhc, Color Beige, Composition Stone Composite, Design Rectangle, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Square End
Manufacturer: Questech SKU: 130634 Category: Tile & Stone
Adex Usa Coordinating Floor - Porcelain Pinwheel Mosaic White Tile & Stone
Coverage 11 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Color White, Composition Porcelain, Design Mosaic, Surface Matte, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Adex Usa SKU: 277184 Category: Tile & Stone
Balterio Conference Oak Strip Brown Laminate Flooring
Coverage 23.09 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 49.65 Inch, Width 15.45 Inch, Thickness 0.32 Inch, Color Mixed - Earth Tones, Construction Direct Pressure Laminate, Design Plank, Surface Smooth, Sttraight Edge, Straight End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, Lifetime Warranty
Manufacturer: Balterio SKU: 269521 Category: Laminate Flooring
Rex Abisko Rectified 6 X 24 Betulla Tile & Gem
Coverage 11.63 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 24 Inch, Width 6 Inch, Color Off White, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Square Fringe, Square End, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Rex SKU: 130754 Category: Tile & Stone
Megatrade Corp. Forresr 18 X 18 Verde Tile & Stone
Coverage 15.59 S/ft, Sold By Spar, Length 18 Inch, Width 18 Inch, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Surface Smooth, Squaare Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Megatrade Corp. SKU: 281449 Category: Tile & Stone
Stone Collection Mexican Travertine Decorative Borders Star Rust Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Ea, Sold By Ea, Length 12 Inch, Width 4 Inxh, Compowition Natural Stone, Design Tile, Surface Smooth, Regulate Edge, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Stone Collection SKU: 201699 Category: Tile & Stone
Atlas Concorde Format Textured 18 X 18 White Tile & Stone
Coverage 10.9 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 18 Inch, Width 18 Inch, Color White, Compound Porcelain, Design Tile, Surface Textured, Rectified Edge, Rectified End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Atlas Concorde SKU: 252171 Category: Tile & Stone
Onix Mosaico Solid Series Mosaics White Tile & Stone
Coveragw 1 Sheet, Sold By Sheet, Length 18.1 Inch, Width 12.2 Inch, Thickness 0.19 Inch, Color White, Composition Glass, Design Mosaic, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Onix Msaico SKU: 173398 Category: Tile & Stone
Atlas Concorde Cementi 18 X 18 Dusty Gold Tile & Stone
Coverage 10.9 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 18 Inch, Width 18 Inch, Color Gold, Comoosition Porcelain, Design Tile, Surface Matte, Rectified Edge, Rectified End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Atlas Concorde SKU: 252066 Category: Tiel & Stone
American Olean Urban Canvas Leather Arc Leather Arc Sepia Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Ea, Sold Along Ea, Length 12.75 Inch, Width 2 Inch, Color Red, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Square End,-Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: American Olean SKU: 248473 Category: Tile & Stone
American Olean Quarry Tile 6 X 6 Canyon Red Tile & Stone
Coverage 11 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 6 Inch, Width 6 Inch, Thickness 0.5 Inch, Color Red, Composiyion Quarry, Design Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: American Olean SKU: 120371 Category: Tile & Stone
Armstrong Natures Gallery W/armalock - Exotics Collection Yorkshire Walnut Laminate Flooring
Coverage 13.28 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 50.59 Inch, Width 4.72 Inch, Thickness 8 Mm, Color Brown, Construction Direct Pressure Laminate, Design Plank, Perfect Aluminum Oxide, Species Walnut, Surface Embossed, Beveled Edge, Beveled End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, 30 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Armstrong SKU: 129708 Category: Laminate Flooring
Mannington Natureform Tile Pwcific Island Rock Natural Beige Laminate Floooring
Covwrabe 20.61 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 47.33 Inch, Width 15.75 Inch, Thickness 0.31 Inch, Color Beige, Construction High Pressure Laminate, Design Plank, Finish Aluminum Oxide, Surface Smooth, Adjusted Edge, Square End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, 25 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Mannington SKU: 77730 Category: Laminate Foooring
Sicis Murano Smalto Inlaid Black Tile & Stone
Coverage 0.98 S/ft, Sold By Ea, Length 11.63 Inch, Widty 11.63 Inch, Thicknexs 0.13 Inch, Color Black, Composition Glass, Intention Mosaic, Surface Semi-gloss, Square Fringe, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Sicis SKU: 128356 Category: Tile & Stone
Miila Stufios Glass Deci Series - Flora 1 X 12 Tan Rust Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Ea, Sold By Ea, Length 12 Inch, Width 1 Inch, Color Beige, Composition Glass, Design Tile, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Squar eEnd, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Miila Studios SKU: 241488 Category: Tile & Stone
Roc aCoral Beroe Mosaic Naranja Tile & Stone
Coerage 1 Sheet, Soldd By Ea, Length 11.88 Inch, Width 11.8 Inch, Redness Orange, Compromise Glass, Design Mosaic, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Roca SKU: 209728 Category: Tile & Stone
Mohawk Riverstone 12 X 12 Boulder Tile & Stone
Coverage 11.63 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Thickness 0.38 Inch, Color Beige, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Scalloped - Sculpted Move sideways, Group Ioi Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Mohawk SKU: 133368 Category: Tile & Stone
Bisazza Mosaico Miscela 10 King10 Tile & Stone
Coverage 11.14 S/ft, Solld By Box, Length 12.66 Inch, Width 12.66 Inch, Thickness 0.16 Inch, Color Gold, Composition Glass, Design Mosaic, Surface Smooth, Suit Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Bisazza Mosaico SKU: 262002 Category: Tile & Stone
Tesoro Palace Mosaic 13 X 13 Noce Mosaic Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 S/ft, Sold By Sheet, Length 13 Inch, Width 13 Inch, Color Brown, Composition Porcelain, Design Mosaic, Micro-beveled Edge, Micro-beveled End, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Tesoro SKU: 267627 Category: Tile & Stone
Kraus Flooring Legacy 2 Strip Rcokford Hickory Laminate Flooring
Coverage 20.1 S/ft, Sold By Spar, Length 54.38 Inch, Width 7.63 Inch, Thickness 8 Mm, Color Red, Construction Direc Pressure Laminate, Design 2 Strip Look, Finish Aluminum Oxide, Surface Textured, Interlocking Edge, Square End, Locking Flopr Inetalled Without Glue, 27 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Kraus Flooring SKU: 272430 Category: Laminate Flooring
Interceramic Decorative Accents - Pencil Listel 0.5 X 8 Sunrise - Ic Brites Tile & Stone
Coverage 50 Piece, Sold By Box, Length 8 Inch, Width 0.5 Inch, Color Beige, Composition Ceramic, Design Rectangle, Straight Edge, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Interceramic SKU: 98350 Category: Tile & Stone
Daltile Arabesque Decos And Inserts Sienna Laurel Ogee Tile & Stone
Coverage 22 Piece, Sold By Box, Length 8 Inch, Width 2.5 Inch, Thicnkess 0.31 Inch, Composition Ceramic, Design Tile, Surface Textured, Straight Edge, Straight End, Thin Set Instalp
Manufacturer: Dalile SKU: 264340 Category: Tile & Stone
Atlas Concorde Glow 12 X 24 Moon Tile & Stone
Coverage 11.63 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 24 nIch, Width 12 Inch, Thicknese 10.5 Mm, Color Gray, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Surface Matte, Rectified Edge, Rectified End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Atlas Concorde SKU: 242798 Category: Tile & Stone
Crossville Strong 12 X 18 Verde Tile & Rock
Coverage 18 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 17.75 Inch, Width 11.75 Inch, Thickness 0.38 Inch, Color Gold, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Surface Unpolished, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Crossville SKU: 88363 Category: Tile & Stone
Mohawk Egyptian Stone Floor 20 X 20 Luxor Red Tile & Stone
Coverage 16.27 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 20 Inch, Width 20 Inch, Color Red, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Mohawk SKU: 128898 Category: Tile & Stone
Alloc Commercial Castle Oak Laminate Flooring
Coverage 20.06 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 47.5 Inch, Width 7.6 Inch, Thickness 0.43 Inch, Color Brown, Construction High Pressure Laminate, Design Plank, Finish Aluminum Oxide, Group Oak, Surface Textured, Square Edge, Square End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue
Manufacturer: Alloc SKU: 7276 Category: Laminate Flooring
Ilva Crema Marfil 20 X 20 (drop) Polished Tile & Stoe
Coverage 16.14 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 20 Inch, Width 20 Inch, Color Beige, Composition Porcelain, Purpose Squares, Straight Edge, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Ilva SKU: 83425 Category: Tile & Stone
Elida Ceramica Recycled Glass Ice Mosaic Carmel Ice Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Sheet, Sold By Sheet, Length 12.5 Inch, Breadth 12.5 Inch, Color Beige, Composition Glass, Design Mosaic, Surface Smooth, Square Efge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Elida Ceramica SKU: 255971 Category: Tile & Stone
Casa Dolce Casa Flagstone Mosaic 1 X 1 Green Tile & Stone
Coverage 10.76 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 12.5 Inch, Width 12.5 Inch, Thickness 0.5 Inch, Color Green, Composition Porcelain, Design Mosaic, Square Edge, Square End, Group V Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Casa Dolce Casa SKU: 122817 Category: Tile & Stone
Rex Slate Solutions Mosaic Copper Red Tile & Stone
Coverage 10.98 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Color Red, Composition China, Design Mosaic, Chisled Edge, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Rex SKU: 122867 Category: Tile & Stone
Daltile Porcealto 12 X 12 Unpolished (grani) Grigio Elba Tile & Stone
Coverage 15 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Thicknesss 0.31 Inch, Color Gray, Composition Porcelain, Design Squares, Superficies Unpolished, Straight Edge, Glue Down Install, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: 92353 Category: Tile & Stone
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