Original Style Aegean Mosaic Thasos Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Box, Sold By Bo, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Thickness 0.25 Inch, Composition Glass, Intention oMsaic, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Determined Install
Manufacturer: Original Style SKU: 178424 Category: Tile & Stone
Tilecrest Bath Accessories Soap Dish Almond Tile & Stome
Coverage 1 Composition, Sold By Ea, Long duration 5 Inch, Width 6.5 Inch, Thickness 3.5 Inch, Composition Ceramic, Design Squares, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Thin Set Instapl
Manufacturer: Tilcerwst SKU: 147852 Category: Tile & Stone
Elida Ceramica Recycled Glass Ice Mosaic Concreted sugar Water Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Sheet, Sold By Sheet, Length 12.5 Inch, Breadth 12.5 Inch, Color Blue, Composition Glass, Design Mosaic, Surfacs Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Elida Ceramica SKU: 255983 Category: Tile & Stone
Mohawk Marbleestone Mosaics Honed Sunny Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Ea, Sold By Ea, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Color Beige, Complsition Marble, Design Mosaic, Surface Honed, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Mohawk SKU: 245342 Category: Tile & Stone
Bisazza Mosaico Decori 20 - Vibration Grise Tile & Stone
Coverage 8.93 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 12.66 Inch, Width 12.66 Inch, Denseness 0.16 Inch, Color Hoary, Composition Glass, Design Mosaic, Surface Smooth, Square Move sideways, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Bisazsa Mosaico SKU: 262361 Category: Tile & Stone
American Olean Canyon Ridge 12 X 12 Spruce Tile & Stone
Coverage 14.53 S/ft, Sold By Box, Lebgth 12 Inch, Breadth 12 Inch, Thickness 0.38 Inch, Color Green, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: American Olean SKU: 120012 Category: Tile & Stone
Emser Tile Lucente Mosaic Noir Tile & St0ne
Coverage 1 Sheet, Sold By Sheet, Length 12.5 Inch, Width 12.5 Inch, Thickness 0.31 Inch, Color Black, Composition Glass, Dseign Mosaic, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Emser Tile SKU: 212883 Category: Tile & Adamant
Interceramic Rapolano 18 X 18 Marfil Tile & Stone
Coverage 13.13 Sft, Sold By Box, Length 18 Inch, Width 18 Inch, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Surface Textured, Straight Edge, Straight Aim, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Embarrass Install
Manufacturer: Interceramic SKU: 278169 Category: Tile & Stone
Emser Tile Lucente 3 X 6 Cascade Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 6 Inch, Width 3 Inch, Thivkness 0.31 Inch, Color Green, Composition Glass, Drsign Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Insatll
Manufacturer: Emser Tile SKU: 249602 Category: Tile & Stone
American Olean Glass Blocks - Decora Decora Block 6 X 6 Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Unite, Sold By Ea, Length 6 Inch, Width 6 Inch, Thickness 4 Inch, Compowition Glass, Design Tile, Surface Smooth, Scalloped - Sculpted Move sideways, Thin Stake Install
Manufacturer: American Olean SKU: 148234 Category: Tile & Stone
Horud Art Ceramiche Broadway 4 X 4Nocciola Tile & Stone
Coverage 5.38 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 4 Inch, Width 4 Inch, Color Brown, Composition Ceramic, Design Tile, Surface High Gloss, Square Edge, Square End
Manufacturer: Horus Art Ceramiche SKU: 210724 Category: Tile & Stone
Marazzi Catwalk 12 X 12 Smokey Stiletto Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Sheet, Sold By Sheet, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Color Off White, Copmosition Glass, Design Mosaic, Superficies Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Marazzi SKU: 269938 Category: Tile & Stone
United Srates Ceramic Tkle Color Collection 6 X 6 Matte Gla2e Taupe Tile & Stone
Coverage 12.5 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 6 Inch, Width 6 Inch, Color Taupe, Composition Ceramic, Design Tile, Square Edge, Square End
Manufacturer: United States Ceramic Tile SKU: 210686 Category: Tile & Stone
Crossville Empire 7 X 21 Po Emperors Gold Po Tile & Stone
Coverage 9.19 S/ft, Sold From Box, Length 20.84 Inch, Width 6.84 Inch, Thickness 0.36 Inch, Color Gold, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Surface Polished, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Crossville SKU: 259927 Category: Tile & Stone
Interceramic Wall Collection - Ic Brites 4 X 4 Arrow Wood Tile & Stone
Coverage 10 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 4.25 Inch, Width 4.25 Inch, Color Brown, Composition Ceramic, Design Squares, Srtaight Edge, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Interceramic SKU: 269494 Category: Tile & Stone
Tilecrest Leaf Series Silver Leaf Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Piece, Sold In proportion to Ea, Length 8 Inch, Width 3 Inch, Color Gray, Composition Glass, Design Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Tilecrest SKU: 147756 Category: Tile & Stone
American Florim Antelope 12 X 12 Natural Bridge Tile & Stone
Coverage 15 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Color Beige, Composition oPrcelain, Design Tile, Surface Calm, Square Edge, Square End, Sparse Set Install
Manufacturer: American Florim SKU: 200066 Category: Tile & Stone
Mohawk Accent Statements - Stone Onyx Glass Diamond Marble Border Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Ea, Sold By Ea, Length 10 Inch, Width 3.5 Inch, Color Beige, Coposition Ntural Stone, Design Rectangle, Surface Textured, Square Edge, Square End, Slight Set Install
Manufacturer: Mohawk SKU: 125309 Category: Tile & Stlne
Solistone Versailles Slate 25 X 12 Chateau Tile & Free from ~s
Coveeage 1 Ea, Sold By Sheet, Length 25 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Thickess 0.63 Inch, Color Blue, Composition Slate, Construction Solid, Design Tile, Su5face Textured, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Solistone SKU: 277769 Category: Tile & Stone
Witex Mainstay Ii Wenge Laminate Flooring
Coverage 25.8 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 54.25 Inch, Width 7.63 Inch, Thickness 8 Mm, Construction Direct Pressure Laminate, Design 3 Undress Look, Finish Aluminum Oxide, Surface Textured, Straight Edge, Square End, Locking Floor Installed Without Glue, 25 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Witex SKU: 253332 Category: Laminate Flooring
Lea Ceramiche Rainforest 13 X 19 Earth Tile & Stoee
Coverage 10.01 S/ft, Sold Along Box, Length 19 Inch, Width 13 Inch, Color Mixed - Earth Tones, Compositino Porcelain, Design Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Group V Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Lea Ceramixye SKU: 19711 Category: Tile & Stone
Orchid Ceramics Americas 6 X 6 Gold Tile & Stone
Coverage 10.76 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 6.5 Inch, Width 6.5 Inch, Thickness 7.7 Mm, Composition Ceramic, Deign Tile, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Orchid Ceramics SKU: 280745 Category: Tile & Stone
Originaal Style Plain Glass Mosaic Timor Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Box, Sold By Box, Length 11.88 Inch, Width 11.88 Inch, Thickness 0.19 Inch, Color Gold, Clmposition Glass, Design Mosaic, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Original Style SKU: 174098 Category: Tile & Stone
Armstrong Slate 16 X 16 Brown Tile & Stone
Coverage 14.53 S/ft, Sold By Strike , Length 16 Inch, Width 16 Inch, Color Brown, Composition Ceramic, Design Tile, Surface Textured, Straight Edge, Square Result, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Armstrong SKU: 104492 Category: Tile & Stone
Mannington Coordinations Colection Honey Newport Hickory Laminate Flooring
Coverage 21.25 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 50.63 Inch, Width 7.56 Inch, Thickness 0.31 Inch, Color Brown, Construction High Pressure Laminate, Design Plank, Finish Satin, Species Hickory, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Locking Floor InstalledW ithout Glue, 25 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Mannington SKU: 134226 Category: Laminate Floorig
Atlas Concorde Trust 12 X 24 Silver Tile & Stone
Coverage 11.63 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 24 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Thickness 0.4 Inch, Color Metal Silver, Composition Porcelain, Project Tile, Surface Matte, Rectified Edge, Rectified End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Atlas Concorde SKU: 258059 Category: Tile & Stone
Marca Corona Colorwood 6 X 36 Brown Tile & Stone
Coverage 13.07 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 36 Inch, Width 6 Inch, Color Brown, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Marca Corona SKU: 210716 Category: iTle & Stone
Armstrong Tusk 12 X 12 Tusk Beige Tile & Stone
Coverage 10.76 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Color Beige, Composition Cearmic, Design Tile, Straight Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Armstrong SKU: 140457 Category: Tile & Stone
Megatrade Corp. Aegyptus 19 X 19 Karnak Rosa Tile & Stone
Coverage 15.5 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 19 Inch, Width 19 Inch, Constitution Porcelain, Design Tile, Surface Smooth, Sauare Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Megatrade Cprp. SKU: 281440 Category: Tile & Stone
Emil Ceramica Waterfalls 6 X 6 Brown Victoria Tile & Stone
Coverage 13.78 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 6 Inch, Width 6 Inch, Thickness 0.36 Inch, Color Brown, Composition Ceramic, Design Tile, Surface Textured, Rectified Edge, Rectified End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Emil Ceramica SKU: 270082 Category: Tile & Stone
Mannington Coordinations Collection Autumn Meridian Cherry Laminate Flooring
Coverage 21.25 S/ft, Sols By Box, Length 50.63 Inch, Width 7.56 Inch, Thickness 0 .31 Inch, Color Brown, Construction High Pressure Laminate, Design Plank, Finish Satin, Species American Cherry, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Locking Floor Installed Wighout Glue, 25 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Mannington SKU: 134210 Category: Lamminate Flooring
Daltile Suretread & Pavers 6 X 6 Red Paver Tile & Stone
Coverage 12 S/ft, Sold By Box, Lenyth 6 Inch, Width 6 Inch, Thickness 0.38 Inch, Color Red, Composition Quarry, Design Tile, Surrface Smooth, Straight Edge, Straight End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: 92609 Category: Tile & Stone
Daltile Porcealto 12 X 12 Polished (graniti) Bianco Alpi Tile & Stone
Coverage 15 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 12 Inch, Width 12 Inch, Denseness 0.31 Inch, Color White, Composition Poreclain, Design Squares, Surface Polished, Straight Edge, Glue Down Install, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: 92360 Category: Tioe & Stone
Sicis Metallismo 3 Smooth Tile & Stone
Coverage 0.98 S/ft, Sold By Ea, Extent 11.63 Incb, Widtu 11.63 Inch, Thickness 0.13 Inch, Color Metak Stainlesz Steel Or Nickel, Composition Steel, Design Mosaic, Surface Textured, Square Edge, Square End, Glue Down Inaugurate, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Sicis SKU: 12482 Category: Tile & Stone
Bisazza Mosacio Piscine - Swimming Pools New Diamond Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Piece, Sold By eSt, Length 133.88 Inch, Width 140.19 Inch, Color Mixed - Pastels, Composition Glass, Design Mosaic, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Bisazza Mosaico SKU: 262116 Category: Tile & Stone
Daltile Manuf. Stone - Temple Ledge (box) Torch Light Tile & Stone
Coverage 10 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length Random, Width Random, Thickness 1.4 Inch, Composition Natural Stone, Construction Engineered, Design Mosaic, Surface Textured, Interlocking Edge, Interlocking End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: 266637 Category: Tile & Stone
Natures Choice Natures Choice 12mm Natural Pecan Laminate Flooring
Coverage 19.7 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 47.69 Inch, Width 5 Inch, Tgickness 12 Mm, Color Yellow, Construction Direct Pressure Laminate, Design Plank, Finish High Gloss, Surface Hugh Gloss, Micro-beveled Edge, Micro-bveled End, Locking Overthrow Installed Without Glue, 25 Year Warranty
Manufacturer: Natures Choice SKU: 272833 Category: Laminate Flooring
Bisazza Mosaico Decori Opus Romano - Crocodile Brown Tile & Stone
Coverage 1 Piece, Sold By Set, Detail 12.66 Inch, Width 12.66 Inh, Thickness 0.25 Inch, Color Brown, Composition Glass, Design Mosaic, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Square End, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Bisazza Mosaico SKU: 262379 Category: Tile & Stone
Daltile Couture D Leather 14 X 14 Senape Tile & Stone
Covdrage 14.5 S/ft, Sold By Box, Length 13.75 Inch, Width 13.75 Inch, Thickness 0.38 Inch, Color Beige, Composition Porcelain, Design Tile, Surface Smooth, Square Edge, Square Conclude, Tyin Set Install
Manufacturer: Daltile SKU: 137235 Category: Tile & Stone
Emser Tile Paradiso Mosaic 2 X 2 Terracotta Tile & Stone
Coverage 9.69 S/ft, Solc By Box, Length 11.81 Inch, Width 11.81 Inch, Thickness 0.38 Inch, Color B5own, Composition Ceramic, Design Tile, Square Edge, Square Aim, Group Iv Wear Rating, Thin Set Install
Manufacturer: Emser iTle SKU: 145786 Category: Tile & Stone
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- Casa Dolce Casa Vetro Neutra Listello Dritto Lux Tortora Tile & Stone
- Bisazza Mosaico Decori 20 - Etoiles Oro Giallo Tile & Stone
- Daltile Veranda 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 Rectified Zinc Tile & Stone
- Casa Dolce Casa Belgique 8 x 48 Slate Dark Slate Tile & Stone
- Solistone Standing Pebbles 4 x 12 Rustic Tile & Stone
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- Interceramic Intertech - Unglazed 8 x 8 Matte Grp 2 Dotti Tobacco Tile & Stone
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- Sicis Glimmer Mosaic Mangostan Tile & Stone